Does air duct cleaning improve airflow?

Cleaning air ducts can improve air circulation and quality. Dust, pet hair, dander, and even mold can inadvertently circulate throughout the house if the ducts are extremely dirty. Cleaning the air ducts aims to eliminate build-up and open them for optimal airflow. There is currently no evidence that regular air duct cleaning improves efficiency or contributes to health benefits.

In some cases, the process can cause even more particles to enter the house as waste is released. In addition, duct cleaning can improve airflow in your home, which benefits your HVAC system, improves the overall comfort level of your space, and increases energy efficiency. Dirty air ducts force the heating and cooling system to work harder and, therefore, use more energy to operate less efficiently. Below, you'll find information to help you decide if cleaning your home's HVAC ducts could benefit you or not. Cleaning properly sealed and installed air ducts is rarely necessary, but if necessary, be sure to hire someone who is experienced and who uses the most current cleaning technology to avoid problems.

The EPA takes a similar stance on the issue and recommends cleaning only if the ducts and the HVAC unit are contaminated. Having trusted duct cleaning professionals clean ductwork can improve air quality in your home by helping to reduce allergens, dust accumulation, pet dander, and more. Air duct cleaning is a maintenance service offered by some HVAC companies, with the promise of cleaner air and greater efficiency of the HVAC system. All of these types of ducts include sheet metal distribution cables that help direct airflow correctly to different areas of the house, shock absorbers that balance airflow to properly distribute airflow, sealants, straps and adhesive tape to properly secure ducts.

Some homeowners may think that they can clean the ducts themselves with a vacuum cleaner and a long dust brush. Air ducts create airflow throughout the house by delivering and returning air to and from the HVAC system. Air conditioning and boiler air filters should be changed regularly, but if you notice that they are dirtier than usual when you are going to change them or you notice that you change them more often, this could be a sign of a buildup of dust and dirt in the ducts. Otherwise, you will breathe a material that is known to cause cancer and that, as a result of the process of cleaning the ducts, becomes airborne.

Consider adding or upgrading your air purification system once odors are eliminated to help keep the air in your home clean and healthy. You may think that regular air duct cleaning is a good way to ensure cost-effective heating and cooling and to avoid unnecessary repairs. Any major blockage created in the air ducts that hinder airflow is likely to result in increased energy costs. over time.

Clarence Lippy
Clarence Lippy

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